Monday, December 5, 2022

Bravo Dooby Doo

I hadn't watched Bravo Dooby Doo in so long and then decided to do a Scooby Panel on the special and I forgot how much I loved that episode! It was funny, had some great lines in it and it had all the elements of a great Scooby-Doo episode! 

To prep for the panel, not only did I watch the episode at least 10 times, but I also did a little research and came across a great blog post written by Van Partible, who created Johnny Bravo. It's a must-read if you want some behind-the-scenes details about the special. 

We had a great time talking about Bravo Dooby Doo. Devin even did his best impression of Scooby saying "Aunt Jebedisssa!" Which I must say is pretty good! You can check that out on YouTube!

This isn't a review of the episode, but it is a discussion about it. We don't rate the episode or any of that, though we all liked it very much! 

I hope you enjoy this one! 

YouTube Version:

Podcast Version: (also available on most podcast platforms.)

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